Episode 16: Listening in Our Noisy World

Today’s episode is about listening! 

How to listen, when to listen, who to listen to, and more! 

There will be four components to today’s episode about listening. 

This stems from last week’s episode of Chris Duffy-Wentzel where she talked about her journey through cancer and surviving cancer and how she ultimately listened to herself. (If you’d like to listen you can find that episode here.) 

First I talk about us as parents listening to our children.

I feel really strongly that we should listen to our kids! Because they need to know that what they have to say is important. Even if we don’t think it is, it’s important to them. That is where they get their self-worth, knowing they are important and someone is listening to them. 

This also benefits us, too! If we open our ears and ourselves up to them we can learn a lot from them.

When listening to your child you can take into account their element type. For instance,  the metal and the water type who are a little bit quieter might do well to have them sit and talk in a quiet place. 

Secondly, I share about our kids listening to us.

This is a BIG problem that I hear because parents get really frustrated that their kids aren’t listening to them! 

By your child obviously not listening to you, making it know that is their intention, it is a behavior.  

Something I want you to do is try to do away with the word ‘don’t’. Don’t is kind of negative. It’s much more positive if you can change your mindset and ask them to, ’Please’ do something. 

Thirdly, is about us listening to ourselves

Listening to ourselves is about listening to your inner voice. We all have answers within us. We have the wisdom. You can call it intuition, your soul talking to you, but we do have an inner voice that really does have the answer for our lives. 

We just need to open up our ears to hear what that inner wisdom is. 

Fourthly, is our kids listening to themselves.

This is a big one. 

If we can teach our children to go within and find the answers that they want in their lives, it can put them so far ahead of the game.  

I hope you enjoyed today’s episode and would love to hear your takeaways or what you would like to hear more of! 

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julie hatch