Episode 8: How Do You Show Up for Your Kids?

How do you show up in your parenting life? How do you show up as a parent to yourself, your children, your family? 

By first consciously connecting with yourself, it allows you to consciously connect with your children. 

Know what your triggers are, your challenges, your weakness as well as your strengths. Just like we parent our children according to their strengths and challenges, we need to understand ours as well. 

If you had a bad day at work, and you’re coming home feeling irritable, frustrated, hungry, tired. It’s not the best way to show up to your kids!

We want to model to our kids what we want to see model back to us. So if that means taking some time to regroup while sitting in your car before you go inside, then do that! 

Whether there’s chaos going on at home or kids are fighting or fighting with you, you want to know where you’re at. This means you need to be prepared to not react -  or to not fight back. 

And how do you do that?

Well, first of all, know what your buttons are, and who/what scenario tends to push them.

Secondly, stop and take a deep breath. Or three deep breaths is even better!

This brings me to styles of parenting. Part of what you bring to the table is your style of parenting. Things like boundaries and rules. 

We are how we were programmed as kids. How your parents raised you, has a huge influence on how you raise your children. 

We can try to shake that and undo some of the programmings we don’t like but that’s not easy. So it’s easiest and best to start off with good programming for our kids. 

How do we want them to be? What are our values? 

In today’s episode, I want to tell you about three different types of parenting and how you can enforce rules and boundaries, and discipline while still allowing our children to explore, and experience life!

Children learn about themselves and the world around them through exploration and experiences.

So whether you are a lenient parent who lets all kinds of things happen (which is ok!) or a controlling parent, be aware of what the benefits of each of those are, as well as the drawbacks of each of those. Pay attention to what style you are and what style you would like to be!

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julie hatch