Episode 34: Aliza Said: Rekindle Love and Passions With Your Spouse AFTER the Kids Are Born

My guest today is Aliza Said, a Mama Marriage Coach!!

She is a relationship coach and is passionate about empowering mothers to reconnect to their husbands after having kids and start living like soul mates and not roommates. She lives on genuine connections, holistic thought patterns, and a positive growth mindset. Her strengths are deep compassionate listening and reprogramming your mind to realign with your should. She loves seeing couples rekindle their love and turn the mess into magic. She is married to her best friend and mama of 5 little blessings.

I love how Aliza says that with each baby, her heart expands more and she feels she is able to love a little bit more.

How awesome would it be to feel deeply in love with your husband again after having kids? I’m sure so many moms out there would love to know how to make that happen! If Aliza has been able to keep the passion alive with her husband after 5 children, then it’s possible for you, too!

Being teammates with your partner is a key part of this. A lot of times friction comes up with our partner when we don’t perceive ourselves as teammates and we start scorekeeping because it’s “me against him.” 

When we change our mindset to its US in this together to create a family full of love, peace, and happiness, and we try to work on things together, that shift the energy in your home.

How do you keep things from fizzling out? 

Aliza gave such a great example of how human babies require their mothers to give and give and give which creates this love where mothers will do whatever needs to be done for them.

So the only person that we get to CHOOSE to be our partner in life, we need to do the same kind of giving and giving and giving, and the love will come in a healthy relationship. As Aliza says, “When both partners are in a growth mindset it makes an ambiance of giving in the home, where you can work together to create a warming fire of love in your home.”

Communication is also a big thing that changes after kids! There are more things that need to be talked about and as Aliza mentioned, you’re a team but then there are so many more things for you to potentially disagree on with your partner as well. Whether that’s parenting styles, budget, or how the family is involved in raising the children. However, without tension and disagreement, there isn’t an opportunity for growth. 

Communication is both learning how to express yourself as well as listening. Aliza is giving us some super important tips so be sure to listen for this part of the discussion!

In closing, make your relationship with one another a priority! 

If you had a business meeting - you would be there no matter what. This is the one relationship that you are investing in for the rest of your life that has such an influence on you and your children and even generations to come.

You can find out more about Aliza and listen to her podcast here.

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