Episode 20: Year Beginning

Happy New Year!

As the first episode of 2022, I want to use this episode to really voice my desire for helping parents and kids!

I want to share about a summit I was a part of as well as part of a book that I’ve written. It will be coming out either January or February and it’s called A Parenting Revolution for Higher Evolution Raising Responsible, Resilient, Compassionate Kids From the Inside Out. 

Preorder Yours at >>https://www.juliephillipshatch.com/my-book<<

It’s my thoughts and ideas that I’ve gotten partly from traditional Chinese Medicine, partly from my own experience, partly from Western medicine, they are all in my book!

I also want to share some of what I heard in a summit I was listening to! 

For as long as we have been a part of our culture, it has sought to interact with our kids in a  way that is controlling and binding, and constricting and selfish of us, egotistical of us, and at times is adversarial.

We like to believe that we have our kids' best interest at heart, and we for sure do! But we are going about it all wrong.

We deal with our kids.

We fix their issues.

We make them into what we think they should be.

 All with good intentions, no doubt. However, it’s not the best way to do things. 

We are supposed to have the answers.

We are supposed to know everything about them and how their lives are meant to be. 

Kids intuitively know how they're supposed to lead their lives in spite of what we think that we want for them. We want to allow them to follow that intuition.

What if we just allowed our children to be? To truly be themselves? Be their essence? Be their soul? 

We keep our kids on this treadmill of doing life to someone else’s expectations! There is no growth as a person, therefore there is no growth to humanity. 

We need to allow our child's authentic voice, personality, and temperament to radiate! 

So what is our role as parents? It is our duty to think that we HAVE to get it right every time. But we have to let that go! Let it go and instead live with truth, transparency, and authenticity.

That’s the best kind of parent you can be. Be present. Genuine presence. 

That is what truly shows love and caring. 

Find out more about what you can do as a parent to allow your child’s authenticity to shine through in today’s episode!

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julie hatch